Just A Thought

They don’t like us, you know. We are a threat to big oil. Even though electric cars are in the micro percentages, they want total dependance on them. Seeing cars drive without fossil fuels flies against their world view. Electrics will never rule the market but it is an all important option for those whose needs are not met by the traditional gas car or as an option for the eco-friendly populace. Cost seems not to be as much of a barrier as before, as there are inexpensive to high end models available now. I drive a fully loaded Imiev that is less luxurious than the Leaf but cost $10,000 less. That much more for a Leaf even with the added options was a deal killer. It was just outside of the budget that I needed to generate the savings I wanted based on my driving habits. The Miev, itself, just barely satisfied my requirements. Other’s situations would have different requirements. People need to thoroughly investigate available options and network with other electric owners to get their feedback on utility, problems, and challenges.

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